Miesięczne archiwum: Marzec 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS: War and Words; Wroclaw, September 26-27, 2014 – organized by Literary Intersections, Department of English Studies, Wroclaw University, Poland

From the epic poems of Homer and Virgil to the comic strips of Art Spiegelmann, war has been a recurrent theme in literature. Moreover, it has frequently been a crucial factor in determining the shape of different literary movements, such … Czytaj dalej

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Why do we need literature? A workshop

On 14th March, 2014 a group of students from two Wroclaw primary schools met at the Department of English Studies to disscuss the significance of literature in their lives. The workshop, „The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore: Do … Czytaj dalej

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Professor Junko Yokota in Wroclaw

Professor Juko Yokota, who is Director of the Center for Teaching through Children’s Books at the College of Education, National-Louis University in Chicago, visited Wroclaw in the week of March 17, 2014. Professor Yokota’s research interests focus on children’s multiculatural … Czytaj dalej

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Young Readers of Radical Fantasy: Empirical Research

Dr. Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak has begun a new project of the Center, focused on researching young readers of radical fantasy fiction. A group of students from Wroclaw high schools (X LO, IV LO and High School of Arts) will spend the … Czytaj dalej

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